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Tice accuses son of Holocaust survivor of ‘wanting to experiment with bodies’

The Reform deputy leader used disgusting language to attack Daniel Finkelstein for questioning his conspiracy theories about butter

Richard Tice, deputy leader of Reform UK (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Conservative peer Daniel Finkelstein today used his Times column to ruminate on Reform’s latest batshit conspiracy theory – that Arla Foods, the dairy giant that produces Lurpak butter, is working with Bill Gates to poison humanity.

In case you’d missed this one, the company is adding Bovaer, an entirely safe cow feed additive thought to help reduce methane production, to its products. Reform has sniffed – no pun intended – a plot, with MPs Rupert Lowe and Richard Tice announcing they are boycotting Lurpak, and Tice, with depressing inevitability describing Arla’s use of the additive as “woke”.

“It is not necessary for anyone to actually read a research report into the safety of Bovaer, let alone understand it,” wrote Finkelstein. “The only thing people are required to comprehend is that they shouldn’t trust the food standards people or the scientists. Instead, they should trust tweets by Tice based on an article he read in The Daily Telegraph.”

In response to Finkelstein’s column, Tice turned his language up a notch. The Jewish peer, he wrote on X, “wants to experiment with our bodies”, adding: “No thanks.”

The language would be particularly disgusting even had Finkelstein’s family not been so terribly reduced by the Holocaust, a genocide during which bodies were literally experimented with. Finkelstein’s mother, Mirjam Finkelstein, was a Holocaust survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. His grandmother was one of seven siblings in Poland and the only one to survive the war.

Tice has been critical of Gaza protestors in the past for some of their tasteless comments surrounding the Holocaust. Seems it’s fine, though, when it involves someone questioning your cherished belief a malevolent tech billionaire is tampering with your butter!

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