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Rats in a Sack

All you need is Gove – a Rats in a Sack special

Our digest of the worst of Westminster welcomes the slippery charmer to the Spectator editor's chair

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Jeremy C**t; a biography

Something about the shadow chancellor makes broadcasters reach for the Chaucer

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The Conservatives' star conference turn... Peter Andre

Our digest of the worst of Westminster looks at Owen Paterson, Graham Brady, Dan Wootton and more

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The Spectator heads for civil war

The magazine has been taken over by the same man who runs GB News. Andrew Neil has already gone – will the editor cling on?

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The mystery of Robert Jenrick's baseball cap

Our digest of the worst of Westminster looks at Tom Tugendhat, Jonathan Gullis, Mel Stride and more

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Farage has put Clacton "on the world stage", claims Farage

Our digest of the worst of Westminster looks at GB News, Lee Anderson, Ben Habib and more

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Reform's conference sounds like a grand old time

Our digest of the worst of Westminster looks at Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Harry Cole and more

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Food Standards Agency to blame for riots, suggests Reform MP

Our digest of the worst of Westminster looks at Liz Truss, Priti Patel, Robert Jenrick and more

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