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The far right cancels another wokie… Katie Hopkins

The pundit turned 'comedian' has faced a backlash from fans online

Katie Hopkins - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The latest person to be cancelled as a wokie by the far right is… far right pundit turned comedian Katie Hopkins!

A fan bagged a picture with Hopkins when she appeared at London’s Backyard Comedy Club last week, where according to reports she described the Grenfell Tower fire as “saddy saddy, burny burny”. But when the photo was posted on Facebook, the criticism from the right came rolling in.

“Don’t like her Zionists [sic] stance,” wrote Donna Richmond, while Jlgoei Hebnson said: “Paid Controlled op, Zionist.” Bob Daz, meanwhile, claimed: “She is from British Miltitary [sic] Inteligence [sic] background….nuff sed,” and Michelle McDonald added: “Not a fan ms Zionist.”

And they were among the polite ones!

As tongues wag that Michael Gove only got his piss-poor new BBC podcast due to his friendship with board member Robbie Gibb, a reminder that the latter’s nickname among Beeb colleagues used to be ‘Brexit Sloth’.

Not because of the apathetic animal. But because of Gibb’s perceived likeness to the character of that name in The Goonies.

RIP strongman Geoff Capes, who died last week aged 75. Capes and Gove had one thing in common: both were/are terrified of flying.

Capes famously travelled to the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games by sea. Gove’s aerophobia, meanwhile, contributed to several Conservative prime ministers being unable to put paid to his mischief-making by packing him off overseas as foreign secretary.

A new day has dawned, has it not? And with a sea change in British politics over the summer, Conservative broadcaster Iain Dale is flogging off a load of merchandise from his Politicos store.

A pair of knickers with ‘Eat out to help out’ embossed upon them (yes, really) has been reduced from £12.99 to £5, the same price as a Theresa May-backing pair of boxers with, ahem, ‘Schlong & Stable’ across the front.

If you’re looking for something a bit more publicly visible, though, what about the nichest item imaginable – a ‘Layla For Leader’ baseball cap, celebrating the unsuccessful candidate in the 2020 Liberal Democrat leadership contest? Curiously, at the time of writing there are only three left.

Tesco, meanwhile, under the ‘party essentials’ section of its website, is selling life-size cardboard cut-outs of the likes of Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and Matt Hancock.

At just £38.99 you too can party like it’s 2017!

If you’re out a loose end on December 14 and fancy a mix of festive tunes, finger food and lengthy diatribes about the impending collapse of the degenerate west, good news – far right pundit Matthew Goodwin is hosting an Xmas bash!

“I’d like to invite our most committed supporters to our exclusive Christmas party, which will be held on Saturday 14th December, 7pm until late, in the very heart of Westminster,” the academic turned populist blowhard writes in his invitation to supporters, completely with heartwarming image of himself with a Santa hat badly Photoshopped on to his bonce.

“There’ll be drinks, a LIVE Christmas Jazz band, a speech, a raffle, lots of people from our community and, probably, my mum.” Which jazz standards can be expected is as yet unclear – Peggy Lee’s Why Don’t You Do Right?  Mercer Ellington’s Things Ain’t What They Used to Be? Bobby Timmons’ Moanin’? – but it sounds like a great night all round!

Daily Express headline of the week: “The King is right, we should all know how to sew on a button, says Ann Widdecombe.”

Guidance for MPs making their maiden speeches in the Commons includes that the newbie includes “a tribute to the Member’s predecessor in the seat, irrespective of party”.

But how to do that when your predecessor was Claudia Webbe, Labour MP for Leicester East who was expelled from the party in 2021 after being convicted of harassment? 

Artfully, in the case of her successor, Conservative Shivani Raja: Webbe “served the constituency to the very best of her ability”, she said.

(Webbe’s predecessor was the also disgraced Keith Vaz. Both stood in the general election, meaning Raja had the almost certainly unique experience of facing both her immediate predecessors. This was “testament to the vibrant political landscape of Leicester East”, she told MPs, which is certainly one way of putting it.)

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See inside the Clean up our rivers edition

Image: Tim Bradford

Cartoon: Does Trump get an easy ride from the media?

Image: TNE

Lie of the week: Nigel Farage on travelling to the USA