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Tommy Robinson’s unlucky strike

The jailed football hooligan is trying to encourage workers to walk out in protest at Britain’s ‘corrupt’ institutions. There’s just one small problem…

Supporters of the far-right activist Tommy Robinson attend a demonstration in Westminster in February. Photo: Jack Taylor/Getty Images

Supporters of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, the imprisoned football hooligan who likes to be known as Tommy Robinson, have called for a general strike on May 24 to raise awareness of their caged hero’s plight.

“On the 24th of May Great Britain will hold a national strike, the Great British National Strike,” says the protest’s anonymous organiser on TikTok. “Why? Well, because Great Britain is under attack. You and I, as you watch this video, you are under attack.”

Arguing that “the coordinated efforts of our corrupt, self-serving government, judiciary, mainstream media, local councils and wider large-scale corporations and religious institutions are working together to destroy our very way of life, our British way of life”, the organiser puts a lengthy series of demands to prime minister “Kia Stormer”, including ending all support to Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself against Russia’s invasion.

And claiming that “Muslims, Christians, Sikhs” support the strike, the organiser says that 23 cities across Britain have “signed up” to take part, despite none of the councils representing said areas having actually done so. The organisers’ X account also supports ousted Reform MP Rupert Lowe in his spat with party leader Nigel Farage.

The only slight hitch with the planned strike? May 24 is a Saturday. A day on which the overwhelming majority of British workers are off. Although if, like “Tommy Robinson”, you’re currently serving 18 months at His Majesty’s Pleasure for contempt of court, every day is probably much like any other.

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