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Rees-Mogg’s Carney criticism has not aged well

The former MP’s mockery of a man who ‘failed to get on in Canadian politics’ is now making him look even sillier than usual

Mark Carney, winning candidate in the Liberal Leadership race, takes the stage. Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Jacob Rees-Mogg was fierce in his criticism of Mark Carney in 2018 when the then Bank of England governor warned that Britain would be plunged into its deepest recession since the 1930s under a no-deal Brexit.

“Mark Carney is a second-tier Canadian politician who failed to get on in Canadian politics and then got a job in the UK,” sniffed Rees-Mogg.

How’s that worked out for the pair of them? Jacob Rees-Mogg is no longer an MP, having managed to lose what should be a rock-solid Tory seat to Labour, has seen his little-watched GB News show cut from four episodes a week to two and had his completely unwatched reality TV programme Meet The Rees-Moggs cancelled entirely. Carney, meanwhile, is the prime minister of Canada.

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See inside the J.D. Vile edition

Pointless host Alexander Armstrong. Photo: HGL/GC Images

The media’s peculiar silence over Alexander Armstrong

The right wing press doesn’t seem to have a problem with a BBC presenter voicing political views when he’s attacking Labour

Image: TNE

Lie of the Week: Trump’s laughable lack of awareness