Is the migration-obsessive GB News pundit Matthew Goodwin finally achieving sentience? It might seem so from his thoughts on those who are even further to the right than he is.
Goodwin wrote on his blog: “What I see happening right now when I look at the Online Right is what’s known as a ‘purity spiral’ – a form of groupthink in which people are rewarded for holding increasingly radical if not extreme views while those who voice doubt, nuance, moderation, or who point to political reality, like the fact that the vast majority of people in this country do not support ‘remigration’, are punished.”
It’s an interesting view alright – maybe it would help if Goodwin could offer up a case study of, say, a relatively obscure academic who had, via using social media to share “increasingly radical if not extreme views”, been “rewarded” with a large online following, book deal and prime-time television show?