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GB News, Adolescence and the Andrew Tate fanboys

The right wing channel highlighted a backlash to the Netflix show from supporters of the misogynist - but neglected to mention toxic comments on its own social media

Andrew Tate addresses the media in the front of his former home in Bucharest. Photo: DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP via Getty Images

‘“Andrew Tate fans flood Netflix Adolescence with backlash as they claim influencer is victim of ‘woke agenda’,” ran a headline on GB News’s website today as supporters of the unrepentant misogynist reacted badly to the streamer’s latest runaway hit.

The Stephen Graham drama Adolescence tells the story of a teenage boy accused of murder and delves into the world of incel culture and social media, with a character even mentioning Tate by name at one point.

As a result Alex Davies, GB News’s digital entertainment editor, scoured social media to find Tate fans who had been hurt by their idol’s mention in the programme, including such messages as “They’ll do anything to drag Andrew Tate’s name through the mud”, “That #Adolescence on Netflix is just utter woke shite” and one telling Tate that the boy accused of murder is “is soooo fucking you. You will love him.”

Davies wouldn’t have had to dig too far, though, to find reams of social media posts from Tate fans hating on the programme – he could have just delved into GB News’ own Facebook page!

Tate acolytes and woke-haters queued up to add comments underneath the link to the story. “The second they mentioned Andrew Tate I gave up with this show. Just another attack against him,” wrote Chris Plowman, while Carla Haywood mused: “Andrew Tate is correct in most stuff he says. we need the old fashioned morals back. We need men to be men and women to be women.”

Karen Roberts wrote that it was “yet again people looking at far right ideologies to distract from other types of misogyny involving grooming gangs, forced marriages, etc”, while Steve Russell claimed: “The whole woke middle-class mainstream media despises Tate and would love to silence him – which is what they have been trying to do for the past couple of years.” And Marc Archer offered: “He should sue Netflix. Another woke leftie company.”

Meanwhile Jay Arnfield, who has a ‘top fan’ badge for the amount he has interacted with the GB News page, writes: “The kid is from the wrong demographic background. We all know the demographic that is the problem. The Stats don’t lie.” And Cathy Doherty didn’t even bother to couch it in even those slightly nuanced terms, writing: “I agree, I hope they do another one relating to the black on black stabbing that is centered around gangs.”

Alas, presumably space constraints prevented Davies from including any of the comments from his own channel’s social media.

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