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A Lidl bit of politics

Three Reform councillors were 'honoured' to have officially opened a new supermarket - except, er, they didn't

Photo: Getty

Last year Torfaen Council in Wales got its first Reform representation when three councillors defected to Nigel Farage’s party from the Torfaen Independent Individuals (which was formed when it split from the Independent Group in 2022 for reasons far too convoluted to get into here).

But the trio – Alan Slade, David Thomas and Jason O’Connell – got themselves into trouble this week when they posted a picture of themselves on Facebook officially opening Cwmbran’s new branch of Lidl.

“Absolutely thrilled to have the honor [sic] of officially opening the stunning, futuristic new Lidl GB store in Cwmbran today,” wrote Thomas. The move had locals wondering why, of Torfaen Council’s 40 members, the only three to be invited to open the store were the Reform contingent – especially as it doesn’t sit in any of their wards. “The new Lidl store is now my nearest supermarket, but I have informed them that I refuse to enter if they have indeed climbed into bed with Reform UK,” grumbled one local to Rats in a Sack.

Except – they weren’t asked to open it and, er, didn’t! “We did not issue any invites and there was not an official ribbon-cutting ceremony at our Cwmbran store opening,” says a spokeswoman for the German discount chain. 

“Photographs involving councillors were taken spontaneously after the store had already opened to customers. While our store openings are often attended by local officials in their capacity as elected community representatives, we are a non-partisan business and do not affiliate with any political party. Additionally, our colleagues did not consent to their images being used externally, and we have addressed this matter with the councillors directly.”

That’s the straight-talking, honest Reform for you!

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