The New Reformer, the latest addition to Britain’s right wing media landscape, comes courtesy of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party. The plucky new venture, with a familiar-seeming title, describes itself as a “multi-media platform – By Reformers, for Reformers” and it is currently on the hunt for writers.
But a quick scroll down to the bottom of the New Reformer’s homepage and a click on the “Contributor standards” link gives a startling glimpse into the type of people who Farage and co reckon might take an interest in their new mag.
“Writers must not have any association with any far-right organisations,” the guidance states. “These include but are not limited to: English Defence League, British National Party, New British Union, English Democrats, Heritage Party, Britain First, Generation Identity, Homeland Party, Democratic Football Lads Alliance, Patriotic Alternative, National Action, National Front”.
These are some of the most extreme hate groups in Britain. National Action, for example, is a Neo-Nazi organisation that is proscribed under the Terrorism Act. If you have to let people like this know that your new publication isn’t going to be their in-house journal, then perhaps the time has come to ask why they would ever think that in the first place.
Another eye-catching detail concerns finance. “Writers must not share any private information regarding The New Reformer,” the guidance states.
“Examples include but are not limited to: personal details of others, internal strategy, financial information”. It’s curious that a publication should be so touchy about its finances. Does the new mag have something to hide?