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Meet Times Radio’s new expert pundit: Elon Musk’s dad

Errol Musk pontificated on the station about Tommy Robinson and Nelson Mandela. But might he have something to contribute on grooming?

Errol Musk, the father of Elon. Photo: GIANLUIGI GUERCIA/AFP via Getty Images

Seeking some expert insight into Elon Musk’s loud interventions over child sexual exploitation in recent weeks, Times Radio yesterday turned to… Errol Musk, the X owner’s father.

Among other pieces of in-depth analysis, the septuagenarian South African told listeners how “there is a very good chance that one day Tommy Robinson will be the prime minister of England”, a position which would first have to be created. He cited the example of “Nelson Mandela, [who] in 1963 was sentenced to death” (Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment, not death, and in 1962, not 1963).

But rather than tap his knowledge of the UK’s constitution or South African history, perhaps a better use of Musk senior’s time would have been to discuss the issue of grooming. In 2018 it emerged he had had a baby with his step-daughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, who he had known since she was four years old.

Photo: Times Radio

The then 72-year-old said at the time it was “God’s plan” for him to have a baby with his own stepdaughter, then aged 30, and told the Sunday Times he did not consider her to be his stepdaughter because she had been raised away from the family for long periods of time. “We were lonely, lost people,” he explained. “One thing led to another — you can call it God’s plan or nature’s plan.” In 2022 he announced they had had a second child together.

Perhaps it’s understandable that, in one of his rare moments of lucidity, Musk junior said of his father “almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done” and described him as a “terrible human being”.

Not that it will stop Musk’s cheerleaders in the UK booking Papa for his deep thinking into the state of British politics. Last week he also, predictably, turned up on GB News, where he predicted Keir Starmer would no longer be prime minister by February. Can Tommy do the job from his cell?

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