Readers that marched in London last weekend have a lot to say about the Labour leader missing the event and those that are defending his position.
The world is certainly changing. I attended the very inspiring People’s Vote march in London. It was the biggest demonstration I have ever been on without either Jeremy Corbyn being present or a single Socialist Worker banner. Keep up the good work.
The Tories aren’t going to give us a vote without a fight. The young are beginning to realise they cannot rely on Corbyn, as witnessed by the most popular chant being ‘Where’s Jeremy Corbyn?’
There’s no room for complacency but the tide is turning as witnessed by the broad-based support at the march, recent polls and the ever growing evidence of what a disaster Brexit will be.
Pete Solan
The far-left of Labour are trying to portray the People’s Vote march and the Remain movement as anti-Corbyn. This is not true. I was near the front of the march when the first ‘where’s Jeremy Corbyn?’ chants began. Also heard, but unreported, were several chants of ‘Jeremy Corbyn, change your mind’.
Many of the people I spoke to admire Corbyn and what he stands for and are desperate for him to hear us.
Many more will be like me: unsure about Corbyn but determined that he should not take my Labour vote for granted just because this government is so rotten.
Jonathan Hendrick
It is a remarkable thing to see so many supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, who narrowly lost the last election, say Remainers should shut up about Brexit because we narrowly lost the referendum.
Should they shut up about austerity and nationalisation? Of course not.
Simon Holt
‘The referendum was based on lies,’ complained one participant in Saturday’s London march, in reply to one of Channel 4’s questions. ‘We demand a vote on the final Brexit deal,’ read one of the placards above the 100,000-strong crowd.
But of course Brextremists will all keep trotting out the same line ‘the British people don’t want a second referendum, we’ve already voted,’ they will argue, wilfully pretending that this new vote would just be a repeat of the infamous one, two years ago.
Fortunately, Brits are no fools. Yes, many were deceived by the Vote Leave and Leave.EU campaigns. But, come crunch time, we can hope those victims will overcome their understandable reluctance to admit they have been fooled, and want a second chance too, in the form of a fact-based second vote.
Because by then we will finally know an absolutely crucial fact: what deal EU and UK negotiators will have agreed on.
What is more democratic than giving the British people another, fact-based say? Surely not gagging them and then forcing them to accept whatever outcome 643 squabbling, plotting and whipped MPs have chosen for them?
Paul Smith
This is a grown-up serious situation, being woefully handled by totally inefficient players. We deserve a People’s Vote and it must include votes for 16-year-olds. We must have clear sanctions for any peddled, populist propaganda which is provably untrue.
Jason Clarke
• Send your letters for publication in The New European newspaper to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk
• Pick up a copy of this week’s edition of The New European for 16 pages of coverage from the People’s Vote March. On sale for just £2.50.