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Reader Letters

Letters: Look at the bigger numbers, Rachel

The chancellor should be targeting the big oil, tech and energy firms to raise extra revenue – it’s an untapped tax goldmine

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Letters: Britain is fundamentally European

The UK needs to be part of the European project as a fully active member. Only then can Europe truly stand united against both Trump and Putin

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Letters: With a European army we could deter Putin

If the UK was part of a Europe-wide army there would be sufficient forces to protect Ukraine without the need for US assistance

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Letters: Who can lead us against Trump and Putin?

In these worryingly unpredictable times, the UK needs to be fully engaged with the EU, for our own safety, security and prosperity

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Letters: What is the point of the Tories these days?

The party has lost its identity and risks sliding into obscurity under the rudderless leadership of Kemi Badenoch

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Letters: The Holocaust is a warning from history

We should never forget what happened and be aware that it could all too easily happen again, here and now

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Letters: Immigration is not about the numbers

Some readers are less concerned about the number of people coming to Britain and more worried about the lack of integration

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Letters: Alienation is driving populism in the north

We need government to lead, to inspire and to give people hope. Talk in language that ordinary folk use, and actually go and listen and learn

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Letters: Labour’s stance on Europe is a bad dream

There is only one way to get a message through – make it clear we are not going to vote for them until they have an honest policy on the EU

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Letters: Immigration, the thing voters love to hate

In reality, reducing immigration is likely to make any government very unpopular, so the narrative needs to shift so it’s seen as an advantage

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Letters: All-out attack is needed to counter the threat of Reform

Farage’s party is the most significant threat to UK democracy in living memory. Failure to learn the political lessons will hand him the keys to No 10

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Letters: Thank you Gisèle Pelicot from all of us

Madame Pelicot’s bravery in shining a light on shame has provided inspiration and courage for others who have been violated by men

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Letters: Starmer’s silence on rejoining is deafening

To all the naysayers who doubt we can return to the EU, we have no choice. If Starmer really believes in Britain, it must be done

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Letters: Opinion divided on our Shit List

Our annual round-up of the people Britain could do without has stirred up some strong views

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Letters: Stop blaming boomers for all our problems

People who were born during the postwar ‘baby boom’ are sick of being tarred with the same brush. One size does not fit all

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Letters: We must counter MAGA with MEGA

We need a military alliance of European nations, which will require the UK to not just cooperate but to be inside the structure

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Letters: The future’s terrifying, the future’s orange

Many Americans liked what they saw in Trump’s first term and have just voted for more of the same. This could easily happen again in 2028

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Letters: The UK’s litter problem needs its own Feargal Sharkey

Feargal has shown what can be achieved when someone with a national voice shouts loud. We need someone to do the same in the fight against litter

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Letters: Food and fuel may be Trump’s trump card

Is it the case that, rather than America being fatally drawn to Trump, he is simply running against a Democrat who presided over a huge inflation surge?

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Letters: Assisted dying – a slippery slope or peace of mind?

The debate has opened up a number of complex moral dilemmas and cast doubt on the ability of the NHS to cope with the additional pressure

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Letters: Trump’s America is a no-go zone for many

As US citizens, we can no longer physically return to the ‘land of our birth’, because it no longer exists except in our memories

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Letters: We need our own Tim Walz to trip up Farage

The Democrats’ vice-presidential candidate has put Trump on the back foot by pointing out his weirdness. Would this approach have the same effect on Farage?

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Letters: Christmas cards will add winter fuel to the fire

The double whammy of losing the fuel allowance and the hike in first-class post will lead to far fewer cards being sent and received this year

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Letters: Waging war with Elon Musk

Where is Han Solo when you need him?

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Letters: There’s no smoke without ire

If Labour does bring in a smoking ban in beer gardens, how many non-smokers will start using them again?

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Letters: Let’s hope Putin’s pride comes before a fall

The idea of a Trump victory that forces Ukraine to settle with Putin is too vile to contemplate

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Letters: Rejoining is the only thing that makes sense

No amount of slightly closer cooperation in areas of little everyday benefit can get anywhere near the massive gains from being back in the EU

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Letters: A simple solution to dangerous social media

If you do not like a social media site, do not use it. If it is not used enough, it will eventually evaporate

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Letters: Tory rhetoric is to blame for this disorder

Who is going to tell this now extremely nasty party that they are responsible for the riots on the streets of towns and cities up and down the country?

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Letters: Harris’s hopes hinge on the abortion debate

The overturning of Roe v Wade could come back to bite Trump during this campaign and play into Kamala Harris’s hands

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Letters: The media’s bullets have missed the mark

In the aftermath of events in the US, it’s important not to fall into the same hyperbolic trap that plagued our media in the run-up to other recent elections

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Letters: The media must guard against violent rhetoric

The root causes should be investigated as thoroughly as the attack that almost claimed Donald Trump’s life

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