Liz Gerard’s question ‘Should we feel sorry for the PM?’ deserves a response. There is nothing about Boris Johnson and his premiership that can be commended.
The Vote Leave regime that he leads is the architect of the hapless state of affairs in which we find ourselves and we haven’t even lived Brexit yet.
He lacks agility, does not think or plan ahead, presides over a cronyism that is off the scale and he campaigns rather than governs.
Only for a brief moment could we feel some sympathy for Johnson – when his health and well-being was clearly compromised in April.
That is the correct human response. However, we hold our political leaders to a high standard as they have an enormous impact on our lives.
This is not a matter of feeling sympathy for those who have been elected to rule us. They are the servants of the people and, for this reason, we should hold their feet to the fire, expecting that they put our interests above their own.
Watching this crowd in Downing Street one can’t help but feel anything other than considerable anger and despair; that we are led by donkeys, how there is one rule for them and one for us, how the administration is full of talentless ideologues led by a man who on a daily basis demonstrates that he is unfit for the office. He deserves nothing but our contempt.
Rick Frame
Liz Gerard is to be commended for her compassion. I have no sympathy for Boris Johnson. He brought his misfortune down on himself with a combination of incompetence and a careless attitude to factual accuracy. He shows no sign of repentance.
Don Adamson
Rainham, Kent
With the approaching EU exit date of December 31, the question of the UK government’s desire to dump food safety and animal welfare standards is again coming to the notice of farmers and concerned members of the public. Government is refusing to enshrine in UK law the high standards set by EU law. They say they do not want to tie the hand of UK trade negotiators.
Farmers and the public are expected to have confidence in assurances given by ministers on maintenance of existing standards. Are they joking?
We have all become familiar with this government’s considerable appetite for lies, deception and worthless promises.
A.D. Gill
Whatever final deal Boris Johnson may or may not conclude with the European Union, there will remain a need for the Labour Party to define its position. May I suggest that it takes a leaf from one of its past great leaders, Harold Wilson, who undertook to renegotiate the terms of membership originally agreed by Conservative prime minister Edward Heath and to submit the result to a referendum.
Mike Timms
• Have your say by emailing theneweuropean@archant.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Tuesday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing.