Thank you to everyone at The New European for the contribution you make to our national conversation.
Like many of your British European readers, the regular positive showing in the polls for the cabal of mendacious English nationalists in government is deeply frustrating.
Examples of illiberal outrage and outrageous incompetence continuously pile up and yet it seems to make not one bit of difference to political opinion.
This Disunited Kingdom desperately needs a democratic alternative if we are ever going to leave the English Idiocracy behind. I believe a progressive alliance is the only way. The pursuit of power by moribund political parties is what has brought our country to this sorry state. Party politics will not save us.
How refreshing, how eye-catching it would be if progressive parties were to pool their political capital for the good of our democracy and our country. From a shared platform, progressive politicians could speak with authenticity and authority about the need to renew, to be more united and to govern together, in contrast to the deliberate cultural division propagated by the populists.
In pursuit of power, can anyone explain to me why the promise of elevating Green politics into government (not to mention Caroline Lucas) would be anything but a resounding victory, bringing millions of young voters to the polls? In pursuit of broad-based support, can anyone explain to me why giving a stronger voice to all UK progressive parties, would be anything but a vote-winner in a nation currently led by the real-life Billy Bunter?
Could someone please tell Keir Starmer?
Simon Field
• Have your say by emailing letters@theneweuropean.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Monday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing