I read John Bercow’s article with real interest and delight. I always admired his sprightly manner with recalcitrant MP’s when they failed to fall in line. I was reminded of that when Speaker Hoyle had to get tough with face masks refuseniks recently, Bercow would have had that sorted in an instance.
He makes too some very pertinent comments about the worrying trend of disenfranchising voters because of this spurious claim of election fraud. Again too Social Care has disappeared on to the back burner, which is an infamous dereliction of governmental duty.
He is also bang on the money with workers’ rights and the justifiable fear that they will be watered down. Bercow has the grace to admit that he got things wrong as a Conservative MP, not a fashionable trend I would hazard in this government.
In my opinion, he should have been given a peerage because he has the wit and intelligence to view politics from both sides and has landed squarely on the side of justice and fair play for the British public.
He always endeavoured to give backbenchers their moment in the sun and didn’t kowtow to the heavyweights and that legacy shouldn’t be forgotten.
Judith A. Daniels, Great Yarmouth
I was absolutely delighted to find an article by John Bercow in my copy of The New European this week – and I’m hoping that there will be more of them in the future!
Patricia M, Herts
While I fully agree with the points raised in John Bercow’s article I should point out that the UK is not now or ever has been a democracy. As the basic foundation for democracy is that all citizens are equal you cannot have a democracy with any of the following; royalty, an aristocracy, an unelected House of Lords, an honours system, a class system and without a written constitution.
Helen Leahy
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