The simple truth is that a liar and a cheat will not want to bury their lies and deceptions. If they had to discuss the consequences they would be forced to try to maintain the deception that the Emperor is stark naked and either look totally stupid or be recognised for liars and cheats. More probably both.
To adapt an aphorism, “Better to be thought a liar and cheat than open your mouth and prove it!”
Martin Tapper
The analysis on the silence of the Brexiteers is correct, but I would also ask where have all the leading advocates for Remain gone? With some notable exceptions, including The New European and its courageous columnists, the Scottish National Party and various educational and artistic bodies impacted by the withdrawal of the Erasmus programme or EU touring rights, sustained opposition to our being wrenched out of Europe seems to have all but vanished.
The leadership in both the Labour and Lib Dem parties seem resigned to accepting our fate, and the business community is largely silent, despite the growing evidence that the political integrity of the UK is being severely strained and that alternative free-trade deals to Europe are woefully inadequate.
Surely instead of simply accepting the country’s Brexit fate Remainers must re-group and show the same kind of purpose and laser-sharp determination to turn back the tide as the Tories ERG group did over our leaving.
Paul Dolan
One possible answer to Alastair Campbell’s rhetorical question is a simple one: because they never expected or wanted to win the referendum.
To them, Brexit was a means by which they could gain public attention and enhance their own career and financial prospects by being the omnipresent rebel wielding power over a bitterly divided Tory party. Hence Johnson’s two versions of the one Brexit article.
Hence the look in his eyes and those of Gove in the press conference the day after the referendum result. It was the human equivalent of rabbits frozen in the headlights. Sadly they dodged the oncoming vehicle and instead threw the rest of us under the wheels of Brexit bus.
Martin Edwards
What Alastair Campbell misses is that the reason that the Brexiteers have gone quiet is that they have what they wanted.
And to top it all they have the wonderful Covid to mask all the pain that the UK will feel. Everything will be down to Covid from now on.
So why would they rock the boat?
Richard Arnott, Perth
• Have your say by emailing letters@theneweuropean.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Monday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing.