Do Johnson and his ministers never learn? They have consistently locked down too late, relaxed restrictions too early and announced decisions in advance, meaning people take advantage of their “freedoms” immediately. Shopworkers can expect even more abuse if they try to stop non-mask wearers entering during the next week or so. If the definition of stupidity is to keep on doing the same things and hope for a different result, then this government breaks all previous records for utter idiocy.
I will not enter a shop, supermarket or other confined space, or use public transport without a mask until all of the government’s own three rules for determining whether other places are safe – the first of which is low rates of infection – are in evidence. According to opinion polls, at least 70% of people think it’s too soon to dispense with masks. Johnson claims repeatedly he is guided by the science, but that doesn’t apply if there’s a chance for him to take a populist decision and hog the limelight again.
Thanks to people like the Tory MP who insists she will not wear a mask on public transport, hence putting other people at risk, my freedoms are going to be restricted even further. We seem to be divided as a country in a number of ways, but one is clearly that a large number of people are utterly selfish and don’t give a damn about anyone else (and clearly at least one Tory MP come into that category), whilst more are socially responsible and have consideration for others.
If the leadership of your country takes you inexorably down the former path, it’s unsurprising that others follow. Their own behaviour tells us all we need to know – we may have rules, we may have clear indication as to what is socially responsible, but they are for other people.
Phil Green
• Have your say by emailing letters@theneweuropean.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Monday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing.