A reader suggests that the Remain movement is lacking someone who can control the news agenda in the same way Dominic Cummings does for the Brexit side.

The Remain camp needs its own version of Dominic Cummings – a very cunning, wily character who is 100% dedicated to the cause and must be capable of hogging the limelight, cameras, headlines and all healthy versions of social media.
Their approach must be eye-catching, punchy, innovative and, if necessary, controversial. Above all else she / he must be honest, above reproach and a beacon of hope for all those who crave an honest approach to a bright, safe and secure future within the European Union.
Zoe Woodham
Sarah Pennie (TNE #154) was absolutely correct when calling for better pro-EU slogans. Here is my suggestion:
– Peace (a major role, recognised by the Nobel committee).
– Prosperity (with few exceptions, due to individual member states’ austerity measures, EU citizens are much more prosperous than in the 1970s).
– Protection (environment, human and workers’ rights, quality of goods and services thanks to regulation, security).
– Pragmatism (EU politicians generally recognise the need for compromise and act accordingly).
– Privileged position (as a result of the very favourable terms we enjoy – mostly from the rebate – we contribute less per head of population to the EU than any other member state).
Our esteemed new chancellor has already hijacked the first two for his new 50p coin (now worth less than 45p, and likely to diminish further, if I get any I will donate them to charity), so something like the above needs to be put out there consistently.
What price the 5 Ps if we leave the EU? Fat chance of any of them, frankly.
Also bear in mind the 6 Ps: Perfect Planning Prevents P***- Poor Performance.
Phil Green
Included in the billions of pounds that the government is spending to prepare the country for a no-deal Brexit is a bailout fund to compensate businesses at risk of going bust as a consequence of the inevitable disruption.
What about the rest of us? In losing our European citizenship we will, for example, face more expensive travel insurance from the loss of the European Health Insurance Card, higher fees for bank card transactions, higher phone roaming charges, longer queues at EU border controls and the need to renew passports earlier and obtain visas for long stays; plus more expensive food, goods and medicines resulting from a falling pound and the expected economic downturn.
We should be compensated too.
Roger Hinds, Surrey
More promises from Boris on prisons and crime. This amounts to over £10 billion in promises so far. It’s not so
much the capital outlay, it’s the ongoing costs. Gordon Brown went on a spending spree when the economy was booming and house prices rising. He was suddenly bitten by the financial crisis, and what followed was years of austerity. Mr Johnson is setting us up for the same fall.
A consequence of lies is a debt to the truth. One day you will be accountable for that debt.
Tony Howarth, London SW3
One of the worst things about putting ourselves at the mercy of a trade agreement with Trump’s America is how it will affect consumer choice. This is not just about opening up UK markets to lower food safety and environmental standards, such as hormone- and antibiotic-injected meat.
Manufacturing products made in Europe are generally fabricated to higher standards of quality and durability than those in the US, and this has long been the case. It is not a coincidence that the phrase “built-in obsolescence” had its origins in the US of the 1920s. General Motors based their philosophy on the principle, so much so that Volkswagen in Europe mocked the concept in their own advertising campaign of the late 1950s.
The displacement of European products in favour of US products may well be cheaper, but for that, UK consumers will be sacrificing quality, reliability and durability. A trade deal with Trump’s US would mean a dumbing-down of standards.
Alex Wilson, Hamburg
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