Despite the coronavirus outbreak the government is continuing with Brexit talks. Consequently a campaign for assoicate EU citizenship must continue.
The campaign to allow British citizens to apply for associate EU membership must go on. When all this is over the economic consequences will be devastating and the USA will be in no position to offer a new ‘Marshall plan’ to any other nation .
A concerted effort by a united Europe will get all European nations through the forthcoming depression and provide a model for recovery for the remainder of the world.
Martin Deighton
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The B-word has been largely placed on the back-burner for the moment, and rightly so. A little item that may cheer some fellow Remainers/Rejoiners up is the fact that a version of Ode to Joy can be loaded as a ringtone from the Zedge app.
Every time my mobile rings now it makes me feel proud to still call myself European and I have to admit that on more than one occasion (well, almost every time!) I have let the mobile ring for the pleasure of hearing it.
David Perrin, Bridgend
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The Treasury has confirmed that it will not be getting an extra £350m a week after Britain stops paying into the EU budget, despite false claims by Brexiteers during the referendum. Well, what a surprise!
How many undecided voters in 2016 were persuaded by this lie to vote Leave? My wife works in a local hospital where they don’t even have access to hand sanitiser. She is trying to find a supplier who has not sold all stock to buy it herself to give her at least a low level of protection.
That £350 million would have bought a lot of pots of hand sanitizer. Oh, I nearly forgot, the NHS won’t be getting it!
David John
• Have your say by writing a letter for publication. Send your thoughts to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk.