It seems that, having done its dirty work, UKIP is content to fade into the background.
Even to the extent of likening itself to a potentially recurrent strain of plague bacillus that will surface again in the event of an ‘unsatisfactory’ Brexit agreement.
Having gleefully spooked David Cameron into calling what has subsequently come to be seen as an increasingly meaningless referendum, the result of which portends dire consequences for the whole of the UK as the Brexit clock ticks on with an almost surrealistically slow inevitability, UKIP apparently remains confident of further financial backing should it feel the need to provoke what amounts to a constitutional crisis in the future.
This bullying bunch of rabble-rousing racists are, perhaps, not so naive as they may appear in their ‘unfortunate’ choice of medieval analogy, approvingly citing the Black Death.
As the campaigning journalist Dorothy Thompson had occasion to observe in 1939 on Hitler’s Mein Kampf: ‘I think it is one of the most incredible stories in history, that a man could sit down and write in advance exactly what he intended to do; and then, step by step, begin to put his plan into operation. And that the statesmen of the world should continue to say to themselves, ‘He doesn’t really mean it! It doesn’t make sense!”
Perhaps, in the world of so-called dog-whistle politics, we may hope that forewarned is forearmed.
Stephen Williams
I was filled with joy while watching the local election results, for two key reasons.
Firstly, the Liberal Democrats are back as they have beaten and humiliated hard-Brexiteers – including the Tories, UKIP and leftist-loonies – in numerous areas.
Secondly, UKIP is dead. The party which was responsible for causing widespread heartache to Europhiles is no more!
This local election was surely evidence of the fact that Remainers must remain cheerful because there is everything to fight for, but we must also try harder by winning over the most ardent critics.
Muhammed Hussain
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