Readers respond to suggestions Brexit is no longer the defining issue in politics it once was.
Sir John Curtice tells us that 87% of Remain voters (“Has Brexit gone off the boil?“, TNE #220) would vote the same way again as they did in 2016. That tells me that 13% haven’t been following the news for the last four years.
Amanda Counsell
Burgess Hill
The answer to the headline question on Sir John Curtice’s article, without the need for statistics to support the hypotheses, must of course be yes. Those millions of us who campaigned to prevent the UK making the disastrous decision to leave the great democracy of the European failed. Brexit has happened.
However it would be an error to conclude that the millions of us who believe that the UK should be at the heart of the European Union have acquiesced and/ or now actively support Leave. Our struggle to ensure that the UK rejoins the EU is only just starting. We have not gone away nor will we until the great day when the UK is readmitted to the EU.
Ben Taylor
I refer to the question of the import of seasonal labour for farmers’ fruit and veg picking. The government is forcing the closure of UK suppliers in this field by not allowing in the required numbers of 70 to 80,000 needed or their relocation overseas.
The home secretary and Defra secretary have suggested they can generate a UK nationals labour force. They talked about millions of people being available but investigations showed that very few actually were. NFU vice-president Tom Bradshaw said this kind of seasonal work was not a viable option for most UK people. This government’s action will drive out this industry and force a large increase in dependence on imported fruit and veg at huge cost on the import bill.
The government seeks to dictate to farmers and other business that they know better than the UK’s managers how it should be run. It’s called ignorance and arrogance, which is their modus operandi.
May I suggest that you prepare for January a new T-shirt and car window stickers bearing the following words:
“Now it’s all going wrong
And you start to complain
Don’t blame me
I voted REMAIN”
Graham Colombé
• Have your say by emailing theneweuropean@archant.co.uk. Our deadline for letters is Tuesday at 9am for inclusion in Thursday’s edition. Please be concise – letters over five paragraphs long may be edited before printing.