Nigel Farage’s recent media appearances telling Boris Johnson how to run the country and how to deal with coronavirus have annoyed readers.
It’s a bit rich of Nigel Farage to lecture Boris Johnson on his leadership, or absence of it. I agree with his criticisms of Johnson’s tactic of hiding from the public and the media when it comes to flooding, and displaying a clear lack of grasp of detail over Covid-19, not to mention any other subject where reading even a truncated brief could give him more knowledge than he ever displays.
However, Farage consistently runs away from any responsibility or accountability for his words and actions. He’s like the child who hides behind the sofa when the results of his comments start to backfire, only to pop up again when he thinks the flak has died down.
As for Johnson’s actions to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, where were the checks on people arriving from China before he finally took any action in early February, why were the passengers on 13 flights from Milan allowed in with no checks this weekend, and why is a truly international sporting event like the Cheltenham Festival being allowed to go ahead?
Could it possibly be that money speaks much louder than words in our bumbling and blustering PM’s mind, especially when major donors to the Tories have an interest?
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Rex Nesbit
Extraordinary that Newsnight used Nigel Farage as an expert on coronavirus. Dare we hope to see Dr Farage next on 24 Hours in A&E?
The programme with the most appropriate title for his followers must be the maternity unit reality show One Born Every Minute…
Rory Lee
– Send your letters for publication to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk