Labour’s position on illegal immigrants sums up the contradictions tying Labour in knots over Brexit, writes Graham Milne…
We must all thank Diane Abbott for her part in weakening Theresa May by removing Amber Rudd, but her inability to coherently outline Labour’s position on illegal immigrants sums up the contradictions tying Labour in knots over Brexit.
The public have been misled about the effects of migrants upon the British economy yet rather than challenging this the likes of Barry Gardiner say all illegal immigrants must go because the people demand it.
The public were also misled by the Leave campaign yet rather than challenging this Jeremy Corbyn says Brexit must happen because the people demand it.
In this regard, the Corbyn camp are no better than the Ed Miliband set, who talked populist nonsense about controls on immigration (remember the infamous mug?) because they thought rocking the boat might not win them power.
Graham Milne
In defence of Labour’s Brexit position, Corbyn says ‘We cannot ignore 17 million voters’.
Yet first-past-the-post, which Labour supports, ignores huge swathes of voters. Corbyn is ready to ignore the something like 80% of Labour members who would vote Remain in a second referendum.
And how can Corbyn and anyone else feel free to ignore young voters who were too young to vote at the time of the referendum, but will bear the brunt of Brexit’s effects?
Adriana Newsum
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