Is it really worth throwing the country into chaos just to save a fiver on a pair of shoes?
Brexiteers say they want us out of the customs union to strike new trade deals so we can get cheaper footwear. Only problem is, leaving the customs union will be hugely disruptive and costly and the proposed fiver saving is equal to 40 minutes of work for a 25-year old on the minimum wage.
Plus it will destroy shoemaking jobs not just in EU countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal, but also here, in the UK; instead of which they’ll create more jobs in China and Vietnam, and all this so we can save ourselves a fiver.
The same applies to trade deals on food with non-EU countries. British produce will be replaced with the same stuff from thousands of miles away, thereby putting our farmers out of work too.
What patriots BoJo and co all are!
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