Readers cautiously welcome Labour’s shift in position on Brexit – here they explain why.
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech does not go far enough for me and I cringed at the ‘Brexit that puts the working people first’ soundbite.
However this is a welcome first step. We have moved on significantly from sixth-form dismissals of the EU as just a protectionist cartel which subjugates poorer countries in the interests of big business.
The section of his speech dealing with migrants was most welcome of all. It suggests Labour are now ready to engage and educate on this and not just nod along with the prejudices and unfounded beliefs of some core Labour voters just to attract votes. This is courageous.
My personal decision to vote Lib Dem in May and in any subsequent elections is now back in the balance.
A Holman
No doubt Jeremy Corbyn’s speech will have disappointed other New European readers as much as it pleased them.
At the very least, here is a coherent stance on Northern Ireland and on the rights of EU workers in the UK. The government have had 21 months to come up with theirs and we are still waiting.
Simon Kelly, Manchester
Clear water between the parties at last. However the EU can just stand aside and say that both the Labour and Tory stances are ‘pure illusion’. We have no bargaining power and I’m beginning to feel like we’re like spoilt children bickering over crumbs.
When I went abroad people respected me for being British. They don’t anymore.
Tony Howarth, London SW3
There are things in Corbyn’s speech that I liked but honestly, what is the real difference between the bespoke trade agreement May wants and the bespoke customs union Corbyn wants? Both are impossible on favourable terms without accepting freedom of movement. Neither will prevent much of the lasting damage Brexit will do to our economy and our communities. A s**t sandwich is still a s**t sandwich no matter who negotiates its purchase.
Carrie Hanbury, London
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