Jeremy Corbyn’s dismissal of Owen Smith is yet more evidence that Labour is just as bad as the Conservatives when it comes to Brexit.
Both are pursuing a disastrous Brexit with catastrophic outcomes as the end scenario.
This is further illustrative of the long-standing fact that the 48% do not have a place in either Labour or the Conservatives. We, the Remainers, are now politically homeless – regarded as traitors by the Tories and an obstacle by leftist-loonies.
As an EU national I therefore have one option: vote Liberal Democrat in the local elections in May. The upcoming local election will hopefully be a lesson for left and right-wing Brexiters to remember: the 48% are a force to be reckoned with.
Muhammed Hussain, Sutton
How dismaying to read Keir Starmer saying nothing can stop Brexit and Barry Gardiner claiming Labour will vote for any agreement Theresa May reaches in order to stop us leaving without a deal.
Only a couple of months ago it seemed that Starmer was winning the arguments and Labour was moving towards a sensible position which reflected the views of its members Now we are back to the hokey-cokey of Labour Brexit policy.
Is the only solution to abstain or vote Lib Dem in May and show Jeremy Corbyn that he cannot just rely on our blind support?
Zoe Wardle
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