The £39billion we have committed to pay to the EU upon our exit is NOT a gratuity or a divorce payment. It represents a legal liability.
It represents historic infrastructure commitments and liabilities entered into by our nation that are to be completed by 2030.
It represents the remaining 21 months of the seven-year budget we committed to pay in 2014.
It represents liabilities to contribute towards pensions to public servants who represented our nation within the EU (Mr Farage included).
It represents our contribution to joint research and development projects. To renege on these would decimate the UK’s Science and Research community.
Politicians like Dominic Raab suggesting that we can walk away from these commitments are once again deceiving the people they deceived during the Brexit campaign.
To do so would break international law – it would also trash our nation as a centre of secure and honourable financial services. Our international credit rating would go into freefall.
For God’s sake – if we must act with madness, let us at least act with honour and dignity as a nation.
Martin Deighton
How to deal with ‘left behind’ Brexit voters? Just spoken to one who thinks Jacob Rees-Mogg would make a great prime minister and deliver Brexit.
How can we get across to them that the only people the Rees-Moggs of this country dislike more than foreigners is them?
Kathy Erasmus
I have written to my Leave-supporting MP, Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, 14 times in 2018 with no response.
Many of my friends have written to him with no response either.
The Cotswolds voted to remain, but Mr Clifton-Brown doesn’t seem to care what his constituents think.
Caroline Maclean
Upper Rissington
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