Brexit is moving into a new and hopefully terminal phase.
Aware that they have no majority in the parliamentary Conservative Party, the Brexiteers are in retreat.
I expect this new era will be soundtracked by moans about how their special Brexit has been ruined and how all its golden opportunities have been lost in a fog of compromise.
This will be the mantra from Rees-Mogg, Farage and probably from Boris and DD for the next few years. There is an alternative: I wonder whether any of them can be persuaded into supporting a People’s Vote with three possible outcomes: the Chequers agreement deal (or whatever version of it the EU agrees to), a cliff-edge hard Brexit under WTO rules and staying in the EU?
Harry Clifford
It is obvious why the Brexiteers whine about ‘Project Fear’ – it is actually their fear; the fear that their endless reckless and unsupported claims have been rumbled.
Remain arguments are clearly ‘Project Reality’ because they are evidence-based.
Your NHS special made it clear that Brexit has already consumed vast amounts of NHS finance that could have been used for patients.
The UK can have either essential NHS funding or Brexit. The motto should be ‘Remain is the only good deal’.
David Wharmby
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