One reader has started defining the Brexiteers that the BBC and mainstream media continues to roll out as the ‘Dismissers’.
I wrote to the BBC, almost daily, during the Referendum of June 2016 complaining of their bias. Then, as now, the Remainer argument is put forward first, to be followed by some standby Brexiteer who simply dismisses it with some glib remark – my wife and I coined the term for them ‘The Dismissers’.
A recent Today programme was again most frustrating as I heard comments such as: the ’40-odd percent of the people who voted to Remain’ and ‘the EU puts up barriers to stop members trading with non-EU Countries’. And, of course, as a precursor to Jeremy Corbyn’s big speech they pulled out of the woodwork some Labour Brexiteers who negated the points they expected Corbyn to make.
Nick Cole, Bude
A few days ago I heard John Humphreys on Radio 4’s Today programme talk about the European Parliament ‘spewing out’ regulations. I wonder what the reaction would have been had he used such a pejorative expression to describe the legislation coming out of the Palace of Westminster?
Peter Martin, Strathconon
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