‘Irish Border unthinkable’ says Boris Johnson. ‘Isn’t this the same person that said the EU could go a whistle for more money and that £350m a week would go to the NHS…?’ asks reader Tony Howarth.
‘Irish Border unthinkable’ says Boris Johnson. Isn’t this the same person that said the EU could go a whistle for more money, that £350m a week would go to the NHS and that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was working in Iran as a trainer of journalists?
Why is he allowed such a senior position in Government? It just makes a mockery of the electorate.
Tony Howarth, SW3
As a Christmas gift, I ordered the 58-volume Encyclopedia Europa from the firm of David & Davis. The promotional material promised a ‘comprehensively detailed and lavishly-designed guide to the continent, its peoples and its prospects.’
Imagine my disappointment when all that arrived was a ring binder containing 39 scraps of badly-typed paper, much of which had been covered up by magic marker.
One section on Norway described it as ‘the biggest city in East Anglia’ and scrawled across dealing with the Netherlands were the words ‘THESE PLACES ARE ACTUALLY IN HOLLAND’. Some papers were blank altogether, save for scribbles reading ‘DD 4 PM’; several others contained only the words ‘All play and no work makes Liam a dull boy’, typed over and over again.
How do I get my money back?
Andrew Monroe, Brighton
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Jane Merrick is unforgivably kind to David Cameron (Issue 72). It is no defence to claim that he called the EU Referendum ‘in response to public demand’. Just 2% of Britons placed the EU at the top of their concerns in 2014.
Whatever ‘demand’ emerged was stoked by a cabal of extremists in the darker shadows of his party, business, the media and – who knows? – foreign governments. Nor was the result a ‘democratic choice’; the whole process was a travesty of the representative democracy that we are supposed to cherish.
Peter Roberts, Loudwater
I can’t help but think that Jane Merrick was a bit generous to Cameron.
He is quite simply the PM who got us into this mess – and is therefore our worst PM since Eden. He didn’t think through the possible outcomes of the referendum, he pandered to his far-right by not making it clear that the referendum was advisory, and failed to ensure that the kind of major change to our constitution that Brexit is bringing should have had a two-thirds majority.
Finally, when he lost he flounced off like a spoilt schoolboy – and paved the way for the bunch of incompetents that are currently (not) running things.
And let’s not go into being the PM who started the austerity programme!
Simon Martin
I enjoy the Brex Factor’s frequent criticism of Daniel Hannan MEP. I wonder if you have noted this Tweet from him, dated 18 November 2015:
‘Of all the scare stories propagated by EU supporters, the idea that the UK and Ireland would impose borders after 94 years is the silliest.’
Anthony Kierans
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