Despite beating Jeremy Corbyn at the last election, Boris Johnson appears to be making the same mistakes in his leadership techniques.
Up to now Johnson had a triple strength political honeymoon, generated by huge electoral success, ‘getting Brexit done’ (part one, anyway), and widespread deep sympathy after his Covid-19 brush with death. His government’s risible defence of Cummings has lost him that third fillip, and jeopardizes more. It reveals his leadership as curiously similar to Jeremy Corbyn’s, who also rode on a wave after a degree of electoral success, but first lost sway when he proved unready to discipline his friend Ken Livingstone. That allowed twin narratives of weak leadership, and woeful toleration of anti-Semitism space to build and helped wreck his term as leader. Johnson is now allowing triple narratives of weakness, incompetence and incredibility similar opportunity.
Anthony Thacker
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Boris Johnson has made some significant pledges during his career of which many have not, or are unlikely to, come to fruition – such as on Covid-19 and Brexit.
What Arthur Balfour said early on of Winston Churchill might therefore also apply to Johnson: ‘I thought he was a young man of promise, but it appears he is a young man of promises.’
At least Churchill made amends during his lifetime.
Roger Hinds
I almost totally agree with everything Alastair Campbell has to say but for the bit (‘This sorry affair is more about Johnson than Cummings’, TNE #196) where he says ‘….I remember the fine words of then cabinet minister Charles Clarke when asked if he might dress up as Santa Claus…. ‘oh f**k off, Alastair’.
I distinctly remember Charles dressing up as Santa Claus for a meeting of the Norwich Labour Party one Christmas. Don’t think it did him any harm though.
Cllr Vaughan Thomas
Lord Mayor of Norwich
The reaction of the BBC to the complaints (presumably from Tories) on Emily Maitlis’ recent performance on Newsnight is shameful.
According to the BBCs response: ‘Newsnight risked giving the perception that the BBC was taking sides.’ So it should, providing it takes the side of honesty, integrity and fairness.
Tony Olsson
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