Boris Johnson is running out of options to find a way out of the Brexit mess – but he still has the option of a second referendum.
An honourable man would resign his position, but Boris Johnson is not an honourable man. His next-best option is to rescue himself and help bring an end to Brexit by offering up a revised version of May’s deal to the Commons, then waving through an amendment which makes it subject to ratification by another referendum including the option to remain.
Holly Baxter
Johnson simply states he “does not agree” with the Supreme Court. I wonder how many criminals would like to use that line when found guilty?
Amanda Baker, Edinburgh
Boris Johnson’s whole privileged existence has taught him that he can bend the truth and break the rules without impunity. What a rude awakening his entire disastrous premiership must be.
Darren Hinch
“Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York”. Thank you Gina Miller, Sir John Major and Lord Pannick. The Scottish Court led the way and now Boris Johnson will have to return to parliament. Any idea of prorogation again will infringe the judgment of the Supreme Court.
John Bercow will ensure parliament prevails and we will shortly have a general election. Len McCluskey and Jeremy Corbyn have ensured that the Liberal Democrats will do very well. The Mother of Parliaments will prevail over the Father of Lies!
David Hogg, Bristol
In last week’s Question Time, prompted by the suggestion from Brexiter Camilla Tominey that the court case had more to do with stopping Brexit than anything else, one member of the public expressed approval of the PM’s move.
Shocked by the applause which followed this comment, Charles Falconer said that it both frightened and worried him.
The former Lord Chancellor is right. The danger that the Supreme Court’s impartiality could ever be questioned is terrifying.
Let’s not forget that 10 Downing Street is ruled by the regrouped Vote Leave campaign gang whose lies tricked enough people into voting Leave to win a narrow majority in the referendum.
So it is as if these Leavers were all chanting: “We hate your truths! We love their lies!”
Suzanne Martin
It’s great to know that we’ve taken back control of our parliamentary sovereignty and our laws.
I just didn’t expect that we’d have to take them back from our own government.
Tony Howarth, London SW3
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