With the general election campaign feeling a lot like the 1987 general election this reader has a message to voters.
It feels quite like 1987 at the moment, so with apologies to Neil Kinnock… if Boris Johnson wins on December 12:
I warn you not to work in the NHS.
I warn you not to be a migrant.
I warn you not to be Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
I warn you not to be fussy about food standards.
I warn you not to work in manufacturing industry.
I warn you not to be poor.
I warn you not to dream of one day living abroad.
I warn you not to work in farming or financial services.
I warn you not to get old.
I warn you to prepare for working longer hours for less money with fewer holidays and less job security.
I warn you not to be a Remainer.
Alice Tyler
It didn’t need Jeremy Corbyn to point out that the NHS will be further privatised if the Tories are re-elected. Every public service is increasingly under-funded, run down rhetorically by certain politicians, and strangled by government-imposed bureaucracy, while every private venture is financially supported and praised even if it proves to work badly and provides little value for taxpayers’ money.
Having lived in the United States, I can assure you that you do not get value for money once the profit motive takes over healthcare. Insurance companies are a business, not a public good; they must earn profits or go out of business. Those profits come from our illnesses.
In the States, either you don’t get enough health treatment, or you are over-treated because you have more insurance funding left. That’s good business but not good healthcare.
If the NHS is privatised, it will become as complicated to negotiate as the fragmented British railway system has become.
I urge everyone to prioritise this political fight, which will soon come out of shadowy negotiations and into the open.
Carolyn Jones, Abertawe
Let’s hope that Boris Johnson doesn’t achieve his burning ambition of an outright majority and get Brexit done. That’d be hell, except we’ll all be left out in the cold.
Roger Hinds, Coulsdon
– Send your election letters for inclusion in this weekend’s newspaper by emailing letters@theneweuropean.co.uk by 6am on Friday.