This reader would like to issue an apology to the United Kingdom.
Dear United Kingdom,
Please accept my personal apology for the current creature occupying our highest government office. He is a disaster of major proportions. He is an ignorant, egotistical, cowardly, narcissistic, bloviating, sexual predating, misogynistic, uneducated, congenital lying, criminal miscreant. He has no good qualities.
If you have heard him speak you have experienced his mind which may only be able to contain 140 characters of the English language. This might explain his Twitter addiction.
I’m sorry to report that our current form of government doesn’t work at a high rate of speed in order to get rid of those unfit for office. We, along with the rest of the world, must wait-out this madness until the wheels of justice turn far enough to eject his bloated carcass.
You have shown great patience in dealing with this interloper into our political scene. He is supported by approximately 40% of our population. His Republican Party continues to support this insanity while dismantling large portions of our country’s government, thereby wreaking immeasurable damage on our democracy for many years hence.
His recent nonsensical rant about knife attacks in the UK should be viewed through the lens of the number of gun deaths in the US last year = 38,568. Our news has at least one gun death or attack on a group in random shootings almost daily. So, please take the facts into account when you listen to whatever drivel falls out of his gullet.
Finally, while our countries remain staunch allies in many areas, it would be understandable if your empire joined in the global mockery of this gluttonous jester. He has been an absolute boon to our comedic entertainers as well as many of our mass media reporters.
Thomas Taylor
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