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What’s the difference between Sunak and Truss?

Image: Tim Bradford

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See inside the "Oh My God" edition

Photo: Phil Noble/Getty.

‘Truss’: a post used to hold up a rickety structure

The word also makes us think of 'trust'. Then we realise that 'Truss' has nothing to do with that at all, writes one reader

‘Duck and cover’ practice drill in preparation for a nuclear attack, print, 1962 Control room at nuclear missile base outside Moscow Aerial view taken by a US Air Force plane of the mushroom cloud rising from the ‘Baker’ underwater atom bomb test in July 1946 in Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. Photos: GraphicaArtis; Robert Wallis/Corbis; Hulton Archive/ Getty; photomontage: TNE

The brain and the bomb

Are decisions about firing nuclear weapons best left to error-prone humans? Scientists want reform of the launch protocols, which are 70 years old