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Tom Newton Dunn and Liz Truss find it’s not good to Talk

Rupert Murdoch's interviewer of choice had a set-to with the Tory leadership favourite on his little-watched TV channel

Liz Truss answers a question from Tom Newton Dunn during a Conservative Party hustings event in Darlington (Photo by LINDSEY PARNABY/AFP via Getty Images)

Tom Newton Dunn, Rupert Murdoch’s interviewer of choice when it came to his mate Donald Trump during his White House years, found himself grilling another intellectual colossus on TalkTV in Liz Truss.

In what was something of a private chat – Murdoch’s new TV station reaches only 3% of the UK TV viewing population per month for an average visit length of eight seconds – the two had a bit of a set-to.

Truss unbelievably accused Newton Dunn of framing some of his questions in a “left-wing” way, and later, after a few more digs at the media in general and a suggestion they were being unpatriotic, her interviewer finally snapped. “For the record, that’s the third time you’ve attacked the media – a lot of which supports your campaign,” he harrumphed.

Truss had the grace to apologise for being “mean” about the media in an off-mic exchange at the end – and Newton Dunn replied he thought she had been “cheap.”

Still, doing something no serious political journalist would ever do, Newton Dunn – the son of a former Lib Dem member of the European Parliament – then double-kissed Truss.

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