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Has vaccine hoarding caused the Omicron variant?

Image: Tim Bradford

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See inside the 2 December: The Mafia: Back from the dead edition

Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a media briefing in Downing Street, London, on Coronavirus . Credit: PA

Thin-skinned Tories are hell-bent on zero dissent

One reader questions what Boris Johnson is scared of, after he purged his party of all those who dared to question him.

Onlookers watch as officials investigate a suspected Mafia killing in Naples in 2017. Photo: LightRocket via Getty Images.

21st Century Mafia: How the ’Ndrangheta became the scourge of Italy… and beyond

Italy’s Mafia is older than the country itself and, despite the cyclical efforts to stamp out its influence, the rise of the Calabrian ’Ndrangheta clan to displace the Sicilian Cosa Nostra underscores its intrinsic place in Italian society.