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The classic political Christmas films

Image: Tim Bradford

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See inside the It's a wonderful lie edition

The interior of a cell at the Justizvollzugsanstalt  Ploetzensee state prison in Berlin. Photo: Emmanuele Contini/Getty.

Germansplaining: How Germany uses the get-out-of-jail card

Why Germany and Britain diverge wildly when it comes to justice and imposing prison terms.

Nigel Farage in South Shields during campaigning for the 2013 local elections. Photo: Christopher

Nigel Farage: The making of a demagogue

In this exclusive extract from his new book It’s the Leader, Stupid: Changemakers in Modern Politics, ANDREW ADONIS charts the inexorable rise of Nigel Farage, the ‘bloody-minded wind-up merchant’ who changed Britain for the worse.