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Cartoon: Why do the Tories hate universities so much?

Image: Tim Bradford

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See inside the What if Starmer is actually quite good? edition

Residents of the Kirby Estate in Bermondsey have a Coronation street party on May 7, 2023. Photo: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty

Letters: How TNE ignited renewed pride in Britain

Paola Totaro’s ‘immigrant’s love letter to Britain’ reminded our readers of all the good things about the country, and moved some to tears

© IWM (DC 66144) A sleeping soldier from the United States
Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. On display in Storyteller: Photography by Tim
Hetherington at IWM London 20 April to 29 September 2024)

Tim Hetherington, the photographer who pulled at the threads of war

A new exhibition of Hetherington’s greatest photographs is not of guns and bombs – but of the men who use them