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Why is raw sewage going into our rivers and seas?

Image: Tim Bradford

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See inside the 28 October: A future made in China edition

Anna Soubry speaks to reporters outside the Supreme Court in September 2019 after it ruled the prorogation of parliament was unlawful. Photo: Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Letters to the Editor: Politics needs principled politicians like Anna Soubry

Britain needs strong and decent politicians to meet today's challenges. One reader hopes Anna Soubry reconsiders leaving politics.

A farmers trys to move her North Country Cheviot Ewes. Photo: Andrew Milligan/PA Archive/PA Images

Post-Brexit trade deal with New Zealand continues to make British farmers sheepish

The deal threatens to flood the UK market with cheap lamb produce. In the words of Liz Truss herself, "that is a disgrace."