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Thousands march through London demanding a return to the EU

The national rejoin march saw large crowds of people take to the streets of the capital

An EU supporter wears EU flag painted spectacles as he joins the march in Park Lane (Photo by Martin Pope/Getty Images)

Thousands of protesters marched through central London on Saturday (October 22) calling for the UK to rejoin the EU. The national rejoin march saw large crowds of people walk from Park Lane to Parliament Square, with roads closed across the centre of the capital and marchers from across the UK travelling for hours to attend.

“It was always going to be difficult to know how many would turn up on the day,” said organisers. “Team estimates prior to the day were from 10,000 to 15,000 – we knew some people were anxious about marching to a rejoin message, but the team was bold, determined, passionate and totally committed to doing this rally and kickstarting this campaign to rejoin. Estimates on the day were around 50,000.

“We were not afraid while others pondered, and the overwhelming level of support on the day and in the weeks leading up to the march was inspirational to us all. In many respects, it’s a lesson to all of us in politics and campaigning that when we are passionate and know we are right nothing will stop us. We have confounded all the critics and sceptics and this movement to rejoin has gathered huge momentum.

“We will move forward with great confidence and enthusiasm.It may take a while, it’s not necessarily happening next week or next year, but small steps in the years to come will incrementally mean we will rejoin fully. Indeed, this may happen sooner than any of us think.”

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