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Chris Barker poster: The World According to Donald J Trump

The urgent need to move fast is being impressed on everyone every time Trump opens his mouth. Image: TNE/Getty

Download the poster here

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See inside the Are you ready to rumble? edition

Demonstrators descend on Washington DC to protest the second inauguration of Donald Trump. Photo: Dominic Gwinn/Middle East Images/AFP/Getty

The power of resistance

The Democrats are in shock and disarray. But someone will need to stand up to Donald Trump

Photographer Oliviero Toscani with a copy of his pictures of a priest and a nun kissing. Toscani died on January 13 at the age of 82. Photo: Donato Fasano/Getty

The shock and awe of Mr Benetton

With his work for the fashion brand, the late photographer and art director Oliviero Toscani took the trangressive mainstream