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The best of European street food: England’s Bury black pudding scotch eggs

Chef James Murray from Mr Murray's Scotch Eggs presents his Bury black pudding scotch egg

Chef James Murray's Bury black pudding scotch eggs

Scotch eggs are found all over England. Few match up to James Murray’s, of Mr Murray’s Scotch Eggs. This eggman hails from St Annes in Blackpool and flavours his classic pub snacks with Bury black pudding, or chilli and cheese for a veggie version. At the regional heat in the swards, judges praised Murray’s eggs for boasting a “Northern quality”, and went on to laud “the parched peas, which are a Lancashire staple on Firework Night, and the Bury black pudding that wrapped around the eggs with the beautiful runny yolks”

Boris Johnson appears as a clown in a mural in Spitalfields, London. Photo: Mike Kemp/InPictures/Getty



300g sausage meat
100g Bury black pudding
10g parsley
Salt and black pepper
4 medium eggs
Flour (for rolling/dusting)
Panko breadcrumbs
Oil for deep-frying
1 small bowl of flour
1 bowl of egg wash (eggs and water)
1 bowl of Panko breadcrumbs


Grate the black pudding into the sausage meat. Add all other ingredients. Mix well. Split them into 100g balls.

Boil 4 medium free-range eggs for 6 minutes. Submerge in ice water immediately after boiling. Let sit until cold. Peel them.

Lay some cling film on a work surface. Brush or spray with oil. Flatten the meat mix into an oval shape. Place the egg on the meat. Pick up and form the meat around the egg.

Roll in flour, then egg wash, then breadcrumbs. Let sit in the fridge for a couple of hours. Deep fry at 170C for 9 minutes. Let the scotch egg sit for two minutes. Enjoy.

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Chef Karl-Heinz Drews presents his chilli con carne pralines

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