Technology and Business
Technology and Business
The internet does not distinguish between good and bad. If we want to survive it, we might have to, says NATHANIEL TAPLEY The world is broken. Every news bulletin honks a clattering avalanche of unbelievable bellendery into our homes. Society just sits there, panting like a red setter enthralled by its own farts, in the […]
Technology and Business
With friends like these, it’s no wonder business leaders are despondent
What do the Hard Brexiteers think of ‘taking back control’ only to have the US wade into the UK’s trading standards? ANGELA JAMESON investigates whether chlorinated chicken is back on the menu This summer Liam Fox turned many people’s stomachs when he suggested the UK should be open to accepting poultry that is washed in […]
Technology and Business
No easy answer to the defining issue of Carney’s time at helm
The Governor may not have wanted Brexit but it has dominated his years at the Bank of England, says ANGELA JAMESON. And a quick fix is beyond his powers March 2019 and the Brexit deadline looms ever nearer. In the City, another 2019 countdown is also underway. For June 2019 is when the current Bank […]
Technology and Business
Too early to blame Brexit for all ills
The ‘missing billions’ are a red herring, says ANGELA JAMESON. There are bigger things to worry about My friend is miserable. We are trying to arrange dinner at a venue that can be accessed from all parts of the city. Our favourite gastro pub, it turns out, has shut down because of difficulties trading and […]
Technology and Business
Business as usual is no longer an option
Making money is no longer enough for firms, say ANGELA JAMESON Is it possible for businesses to do well and do good? Over the years I’ve discussed ethical sourcing and child labour over a five-star dinner in Mayfair, with a chief executive who has racked up 5,000 air miles to impart his wisdom to British […]
Technology and Business
Businesses lose patience with Tory infighting
The government’s latest intervention in the housing market is a yet another symptom of a distracted administration failing to grasp the right solutions, says ANGELA JAMESON. Our housing market is broken, even the Government admitted as much earlier this year. So why then, is Theresa May pumping more tax payers’ money into the Help to […]
Technology and Business
War games with high casualties
Brexit was bad enough, now John McDonnell has given businesses even more to think about. ANGELA JAMESON reports Which is the bigger economic crisis facing the UK – the prospect of leaving the EU without any trade deal or a Labour government with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister and war-gaming John McDonnell as his renationalising […]
Technology and Business
Real statistics are not good news for the Brexiteers
Boris Johnson’s Brexit intervention has put the focus back on statistics, says ANGELA JAMESON. And the actual numbers do not look good Boris Johnson has done more to stimulate interest in how statistics are used and abused in the last few days than the UK Statistics Authority has managed in its 10 year lifetime. BoJo’s […]
Technology and Business
Brexit will bruise us all
Anxiety is battering the pound – and everyone is feeling the pinch. But it is not just consumers that will suffer as ANGELA JAMESON explains As the world waited for a glimpse of the first $1,000 iPhone, closer to home the problem of soaring prices for everyday goods, rather than for the hottest gadget, is […]
Technology and Business
Maybot 2.0
Theresa May’s insistence that she is sticking around as PM may have been met with scepticism and incredulity, but PR agent MARK BORKOWSKI argues her reboot may yet work Theresa May stunned many in Westminster when she expressed her desire to lead her party into the next general election. After the almighty stumble of June’s […]
Technology and Business
Next few weeks key for economy
It’s not just back to school for the nation’s children, this week, but also for politicians and British business. It’s heads down and concentrate for the crucial 15 weeks between now and Christmas. These are critical for most sectors. Retailers face their busiest trading period; media companies expect an uptick in seasonal advertising; construction companies […]
Technology and Business
Angela Jameson: Gung-ho attempts to talk up economy can’t paper over cracks
Attempts to look on the bright side, economically, are – as ever – undermined by the same doubts and uncertainty surrounding Brexit, says Angela Jameson. A press release lands from a private equity company that wants to talk up the economy. ECI Partners, which invests in small-to-medium-sized growing firms, says that the 350 businesses it […]

Technology and Business
Little comfort in Davis’ muddled Brexit papers
The Government’s transitional customs proposals are a start – but it will be far from plain sailing for business So Philip Hammond has won the argument with Brexiteers and hard has been replaced by soft – at least as far as customs arrangements go. Transition is the order of the day as the cabinet scrambles […]

Technology and Business
Britain’s aerospace sector fears crash landing
There is anger in the UK’s aerospace industry at the government’s dereliction of duty over such a thriving sector Some people go to Paris to buy beautiful clothes, others go to stock up on jets. There was some good news out of this month’s Paris Air Show for the British aerospace sector, with UK manufacturers […]

Technology and Business
Austerity may be over, but Brexit means it won’t feel like it
Inflation and prices are rising, real wages falling. We’re all going to feel the squeeze. Brussels unveiled plans this week to grab large parts of the City of London’s €850 billion a day clearing market. But to the surprise of many observers, the European Commission chose not to take as provocative step as expected when […]

Technology and Business
Frantic international schmoozing to replace market on our doorstep
UK’s attractiveness to overseas investors is being challenged by Brexit The cabinet’s big hitters have been accruing air miles this week as the job of selling the UK proceeds apace. The Prime Minister is in Saudi Arabia promoting long-term business relationships, while the Chancellor is in India, looking for co-operation over energy, fintech and financial […]

Technology and Business
Just how reliant is our economy on workers born overseas?
It is not just construction, technology and retail that relies heavily on overseas workers. Brexit could impact industries across the economy. Many industries have been vocal about the impact that Brexit will have on them, not least the City of London and the tech sector; while the construction sector depends heavily on Eastern Europe labour. […]