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Scottish Independence

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon welcoming prime minister Boris Johnson outside Bute House in Edinburgh - Credit: PA

Scottish Independence

Leaked memo exposes government fears over rise in support for Scottish independence

A leaked memo has shown that government ministers are becoming increasingly worried about the rise in support for Scottish independence. An assessment by Tory advisers warned Boris Johnson against continuously blocking Holyrood’s demands for a second referendum on independence. The document, seen by Bloomberg, was written by Hanbury Strategy and complained of a “vacuum of leadership” within the […]
Jacob Rees-Mogg accused the SNP of 'modelling themselves on Oliver Twist' - Credit:

Scottish Independence

Jacob Rees-Mogg compares SNP to Oliver Twist in latest swipe against Scottish independence movement

Jacob Rees-Mogg has compared the SNP to Oliver Twist in his latest swipe against the party’s calls for Scottish independence. Rees-Mogg said Nicola Sturgeon’s party was “modelling themselves on Oliver Twist”. Speaking in the Commons, the House leader took umbrage at comments by the SNP’s Tommy Sheppard that devolved administration would never back the government’s internal […]