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LBC presenter James O'Brien - Credit: LBC


James O’Brien says Boris Johnson and ministers ‘psychologically incapable of approaching anything as if it’s not a fight’

James O’Brien has said minsters are “psychologically incapable” of approaching issues without it turning into a fight during a take down of the prime minister’s latest lockdown measures. O’Brien delivered a withering attack on the prime minister’s handling of the national lockdown expected to come into force on Thursday. The prime minister announced a new four-week […]
Rachel Reeves, Keir Starmers shadow cabinet minister. Photo: BBC One. - Credit: BBC One


Labour calls for probe into government’s Covid-19 contracts after leaked documents show they were given to ‘VIPs’

Labour is demanding an investigation into a leaked dossier which shows hundreds of millions of pounds worth of coronavirus contracts were handed to “VIPs”. Documents leaked by the Good Law Project, an anti-corruption watchdog, allegedly expose special procurement channels that allowed contractors to bid for work without needing to undergo the normal tendering process. The organisation – which has […]