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Steve Bannon, former White House Chief Strategist to U.S. President Donald Trump, speaks at a debate.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images


Ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon banned from Twitter after suggesting medical expert’s beheading

Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has been permanently banned from Twitter for suggesting the beheading of Anthony Fauci, America’s top public health adviser. Bannon said he wanted to “pike” Fauci and FBI director Christopher Wray’s heads as a “warning” to bureaucrats. Fauci, who Trump publicly slandered and suggested firing, has been assigned extra government […]
Conservative minister Robert Buckland. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: BBC


Government minister blames public for second nationwide lockdown

Robert Buckland has blamed the public for a second national lockdown after suggesting a lack of ‘compliance’ was the reason for harsher coronavirus measures. The justice secretary said a “tiny group of people” had been breaking Covid-19 regulations and that there was a “huge challenge” to get the public to follow the rules this time around. Speaking with the BBC, Buckland: “Sadly, it’s been […]