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Stephen Barclay said Eat Out to Help Out had helped reinstate consumer confidence - Credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire


Tory minister denies Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out scheme was a ‘disaster’ that helped spread Covid-19

A Tory minister has come under fire after publicly stating Rishi Sunak’s Eat Out to Help Out (EOTHO) programme was a “success”, despite claims linking the scheme with increased coronavirus rates. Chief secretary to the Treasury, Stephen Barclay, dismissed the accusation that EOTHO had been a public health disaster which helped the spread of Covid-19. Under the […]
Michael Gove on Good Morning Britain - Credit: Twitter


Michael Gove told testimony on herd immunity ‘would not survive’ a Covid-19 inquiry

Piers Morgan has told Michael Gove his attempt to deny No 10 had pursued a policy of herd immunity “would not survive” a public inquiry. Michael Gove sought to downplay the claims brought forward by senior SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) scientist Sir Patrick Vallance. The cabinet minister, who chairs the government’s Covid committee, told Good Morning Britain England’s […]
Health Secretary Matt Hancock during a media briefing on coronavirus (COVID-19) in Downing Street, London. - Credit: PA


Matt Hancock ignores experts to repeat claim British fast-tracked Covid vaccine due to Brexit

Matt Hancock has ignored Britain’s medicines regulator to repeat a debunked claim that Britain fast-tracked the approval of a coronavirus vaccine thanks to Brexit. The health secretary doubled down on claims that being outside the EU allowed Britain to “change the law” to allow a speedy approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine last week, becoming the first country in the world to […]