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Writer and columnist Philip Collins on Newsnight - Credit: Twitter


Political commentator sums up Remainer frustrations with Brexit in brilliant one-liner

A political commentator has brilliantly summed up the frustrations Remainers have with Brexit using an age-old analogy. The New Statesman‘s Philip Collins said Brexiteers compared the concerns of Remainers to “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” having completely ignored the moral of the story. In the fable, which dates back to the Middle Ages, a young shepherd boy repeatedly trick nearby villagers into thinking […]
Angela Eagle MP and Jo Coburn disagree over Boris Johnson's Brexit pledge on Politics Live - Credit: BBC


Labour MPs clash with BBC presenter over ‘Tory spin’ clarification of ‘oven-ready deal’

A BBC presenter has clashed with two Labour MPs over a series of “clarifications” about Boris Johnson’s ‘oven-ready deal’ Brexit deal comments after she claimed he had only promised to deliver the Withdrawal Agreement. On Tuesday’s programme, Politics Live presenter Jo Coburn dismissed suggestions from Labour MP Angela Eagle that the prime minister has misled the electorate with […]