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Boris Johnson

Prime minister Boris Johnson at a media briefing - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson

Scathing report accuses Boris Johnson of ‘only caring for England’

A scathing new report has accused Boris Johnson of “speaking for England alone” and having “considerable indifference” to the devolved nations. Research from the University of Cambridge’s Bennett Institute for Public Policy accuses Westminster of treating devolved administrations with contempt and handling the maintaining of the Union as “someone else’s problem”. The “Union at the Crossroads” document comes […]
SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford (pictured above) said his party would "look constructively" at Boris Johnson's proposals for a Covid passport scheme - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson

SNP ‘looking constructively’ at Covid passport scheme amid speculation it could back proposals

The SNP is “constructively” looking at proposals for a Covid passport scheme amid reports it could support the measures in a House of Commons vote. Some 41 Tory MPs and Labour have hardened their positions against the “Covid Status Certification” programme, warning the checks would create a “two-tier” nation. But the government’s fortunes could be turning after Ian Blackford, the SNP’s […]